As in, “think outside of.”
Four year old Terrier mix Zac does not fit into the typical dog training box.
Recently rehomed for the umpteenth time, Zac probably confounded every owner within a day or two of his taking up (temporary) residence.

Water for Elephants. The elephant Rosie did not respond to the usual commands and everyone thought she was either stupid or stubborn. It was later learned that she was very smart, but only knew commands in Polish, not in English.
At first, I thought someone had taught Zac in Urdu or Norwegian. Recalling Rosie the pachyderm, I tried Spanish (Sentar!), German (Sitz!), and Russian (сидеть!) with him, in addition to English (Sit!) – nothing. His response to hand signals for Sit, Stay and Come were either ignored, or he did the opposite.
Obviously intelligent and sweet-natured, Zac had a bank of knowledge in his furry skull for which his owner – and I – were missing his PIN number. Frustrated by his blank expression and noncompliance, I was hoping we could find whatever box it was that Zac inhabited.
And then I thought, what if….Zac had everything in reverse?
As an experiment, instead of facing him with my hand in a Stop Sign like I would with other dogs to elicit a Stay, I folded my arms, abruptly turned and walked away.
Zac froze.
I quickly walked back to him with praise and a treat, then repeated the Backwards Stay.
Again, Zac didn’t move.
With this success, Zac’s owner and I brainstormed on other opposite or reverse body language/hand signals that we could use with Zac for Sit, Come, Down, and Quiet. Luckily, Zac’s owner had the patience and willingness to find a training box to fit her outside-the-box dog.