If there was a dog-equivalent of those most-wanted posters you see at the Post Office, Otto’s face would be instantly recognizable. Otto is a three year old Labrador Shepherd mix who steals.
Otto is very, very good at it.
The happy part of his typical crime spree is that he doesn’t chew up or destroy the items that he absconds with.
The unhappy part is that he hides the things that he takes.

Remember those old match games that required you to draw a line from one list to a corresponding item in a second list? The challenge for Otto’s owners is to somehow connect these lists correctly – every single day.
Here are Otto two lists:
The remote control
In the bathtub
The November issue of Newsweek
Under the guest bed
Pens, pencils and crayons
On the floor of the coat closet
Kitchen towels
Behind the sofa
A flip flop
In his crate
A mitten
Under the office desk
A Dunkin Donuts muffin, still in the bag
In between the cushions of the club chair
Diapers – new and used
In the basement
Baseball caps, Yankees AND Red Sox
Somewhere in the unused dining room

Lipsticks and lip balms

In his empty dish
It is beyond obvious, of course, that Otto’s thieving ways are motivated by a need for attention.
His owners often run wildly after him if they witness him pilfering. When he is caught red-pawed, they loudly reprimanded him, grabbing his collar and wrenching the soggy object out of his mouth.
Otto loves the chase. Plus, his owners almost always give him a treat for dropping one of THEIR precious things. All in all, a very rewarding exercise.
The hunt for missing items is just as gratifying for Otto. He follows his owners from room to room while they swear under their breath. He plunges head first into closets and under beds, sniffing hair and slobbering on faces, while his owners shriek. Let’s call this game Licktionary for the social pastime that it is for Otto.
Okay, stop right here and implement the following:
First, Otto’s owners had to put their stuff away. Well, most of it, anyway. It is easier to get a dog to stop stealing if the impetus is out-of-sight.
Next, provide entertaining toys. Squeaky toys and tennis balls are fine, but food-based puzzle toys are way better. Think Kong, Tug-a-Jug, Buster Cube, and Twist-n-Treat.
Finally, we taught Otto a reliable Sit, Stay and Release, so that if he does make like a bandit, he gets the attention he craves for behavior that his owners actually want.