Someone once said that there is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
If that’s the case, then Cameron hung out his shingle and is accepting new patients.
“Cameron licks incessantly” said his obviously distressed owner. “It’s really annoying. Sometimes he licks his paw until it is soaking wet. He’ll lick my pant leg or my hand when we sit together. And he leaves brown spots on the couch because he licks that, too.”
Cameron is a Miniature Dachshund, but he’s one of several clients’ dogs that lick themselves, their owners, the furniture.
This is not the usual doggie random, heartfelt, I-love-you-and-your-salty-arm lick. This is I’m-in-another-ozone-layer lick. Eyes closed, rhythmic lapping, lapping, lapping. Enough already.
Dogs sometimes do repetitive activities like licking to help relieve stress. It can also mean your dog is bored, or has an allergy or might even be in pain. So ask your veterinarian to check your dog for any physical problems that might be causing the licking.
Please don’t get mad at your dog or punish him for licking. In a way, its like nail biting or thumb sucking in kids –
scolding won’t make it go away and may actually make it worse.
If your dog tends to lick YOU, get up and walk away. If he licks when you are petting him, immediately stop the petting. You want him to know that he doesn’t get attention when he licks.
If he licks himself, you can try and prevent it with the temporary use of an Elizabethan Collar or an anti-lick strip, but emphasis is on the word “temporary” here. Your dog may need behavioral therapy to get at the root of his anxiety.