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So what…big deal…who cares?

Writer's picture: Rachel R. BaumRachel R. Baum

Updated: Jul 29, 2022

Syracuse alumni will recognize the title phrases; some dog owners get the same vibe from their dogs when they return home after a trip and receive the proverbial cold shoulder from their pets. 

Yes, many dogs are delighted to welcome back their human companions. They spin in frenetic circles, they leap and lick and woof in glee at their owners’ magical homecoming. They fling themselves onto unguarded laps as soon as the returnee sits down. They follow their owner from room to room, as if connected by an invisible string that threatens to unravel should they ever part from each other again.

And then there are dogs like Harry.

Harry’s owner travels frequently on business. For short trips, the services of a well-loved and much-trusted pet sitter are engaged. Longer trips, however, necessitates the use of a boarding kennel – a reputable, clean, competent facility – but a kennel nonetheless.

While Harry doesn’t seem to mind going to the kennel – he trots in happily enough, and his owner always supplies his bed, favorite toys and a shirt of hers for comfort – when he is collected by his owner at the conclusion of the week, he refuses to acknowledge her.

He stands stoically for his leash, hops dutifully into the car, and then sits staring with baleful eyes out the window. He does not respond to her affectionate petting, the recitation of his various nicknames, or her futile attempts to scratch behind his ears, Harry’s normally favorite caress.

At home, Harry quickly anoints the corner of his owner’s suitcase with his disdain. Then he goes to his favorite sunny spot on the kitchen floor, lies down with a sigh, and begins to methodically lick his paws with intense concentration.

“Okay, okay, I get it! sputters his owner. “You’re upset that I went away again. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

And Harry’s owner plies him treats, lap sits and other guilt-ridden indulgences. Which, of course, makes future separations all that much fraught with anxiety for both dog and dog owner.

The upshot is, if you feel guilty and full of angst at having to board your dog, he WILL know it. And his behavior at home will reflect his unease with your train wreck of emotions.

Difficult as it is to plaster your shaky wall of apprehension with a veneer of calm confidence, take a deep breath and say to yourself (but NOT to your dog!) “My dog and I are not joined at the hip. I am entitled to go away for work/pleasure/family reasons with him. He will survive. I will, too.”


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