Leonard lives in a lawless land.

Leonard is a 3 year old Belgian Tervuren, which is a breed that looks like a German Shepherd wearing a wig. Inside the house, he is a perfect gentleman.
But outside, he is a dog on the last frontier, an outlaw, a renegade. Stand clear! Leonard’s in town!
So let’s get back to basics here. If you’ve ever had children, or been a child yourself, you know that kids need rules. They don’t WANT rules, but they need them because rules are the standards that help us negotiate – and live in – that complicated place called society.
Humans usually make their kids obey the rules inside the house, and often, in stores and restaurants, too. Well, not when I’m dining out, but you get my drift. Basically, we all abide by rules to keep life from becoming complete chaos.
Dogs need rules, too.
You probably have some rudimentary house rules for your dog, like “stealing my kitchen towel and hiding it is a no-no,” and “don’t gnaw on the chair leg.” Maybe you have additional dog rules that impress your friends, like “sit for your meals” and “lie down on your bed when we have company.”
So if you walk outside the house with your dog on a leash, and don’t apply any rules, you wouldn’t be surprised if your dog acts like a wild thing.
Leonard, case in point, was allowed to sniff anywhere he wanted on walks, to stop and water the plants here and there, to weave back and forth in front of his owner occasionally tripping her in the process, and to stretch out the full length of his retractable leash, thereby causing a tingly feeling in his owner’s rotator cuff.
Is it any wonder then, that outside, Leonard barks at other dogs, lunges after squirrels, and jumps on any person foolish enough to stop and say hello?
So here’s a fundamental Rule of Paw:
Wherever you and your dog are, apply the rules because the rules apply.
