Most people who want to buy a house get a real estate agent.
The agent interviews them to find out what type of home they want, where it
should be located, and the price range they can afford. It can take weeks, or months, until the agent finds the house that meets most of her clients’ criteria. Once the home is purchased, the average length of time that the owner keeps it before moving onto the next property is 10 or more years.
We put a great deal of time, effort, deliberation, and thought into purchasing a home that we will stay in for about 10 years.
The average life span of a dog is 13 years. Yet the majority of owners choose their dog based on a single criteria – its face.
Despite the many characteristics that should be considered when adopting or purchasing a dog – temperament, energy level, breed, age, gender, trainability, background – it comes down to – a face.
In my own informal poll, dog owners fell for their dog because its face was cute. Or sweet. Or sad. Or hopeful. Or just like their other dog’s face.
And more times than not, dog and owner are a combustible combination. A bad fit. And then the dog ends up getting rehomed, a difficult decision and a traumatic experience for everyone involved.
The answer to this dilemma: a dog estate agent.
No, dog estate agents don’t charge commission. As your agent, they will help you determine the dog that best suits your lifestyle, activity level, family composition, and time constraints. Finding the right dog for you takes patience and the expertise of a professional with experience in the field.
With the help of your dog estate agent, there is a dog out there – rescue or purebred – that is a wonderful match for your family for a lifetime of happiness and companionship. With a face you will love.
Brought to you by your dog estate agent, better known as your dog trainer.