We all want a quick fix to every day problems.
For example, I would love to call my charge card company, my phone service provider, and my mortgage company, explain that my last bill was clearly in error, and receive an immediate heartfelt apology and a credit on my accounts.
Sadly, this is not going to happen.
Just as unlikely is the notion that your dog will permanently cease barking, never jump up on another person again, or willingly release your favorite slipper into your backoning palm – all in the space of 10 minutes.
But, there are some Quick Fixes you CAN do to help redirect your dog from unwanted behaviors.
At the very least, try these while you wait for your dog trainer to arrive.

Problem #1: Your Chihuahua perches on top of the chair and barks at everything that passes by your house.
Quick Fix: Redecorate. Move the furniture away from the window and close the blinds.
Problem #2: Your Boxer mix constantly demands to go out the door, then come back in, then out again.
Quick Fix: Put one or two toys or treats outside so he has something to do out there besides play revolving door.

Problem #3: Your Dachshund has accidents in your bedroom.
Quick Fix: Restrict his access to the bedroom (closed door, gate, or leash) so he can’t sneak off.
Problem #4: Your Labrador won’t go into his crate when you need to leave.
Quick Fix: Freeze a peanut-butter filled Kong (or other really special treat), show it to her, then put it in her crate.
Problem #5: Your Beagle barks at and circles your guests when they are sitting at the kitchen table, trying to sip a cup of coffee.
Quick Fix: Put the dog on a leash and have him sit next to you while you visit with your company.
The key to Quick Fixes:
A. Break the cycle, and
B. Think like a dog.