Colorful invitations, cake, ice cream, festive hats, balloons, games, and goody bags. All the ingredients for a perfect birthday party. The birthday girl: Brandy, a one year old Yellow Labrador.
I love a party, and was delighted to be invited to share this celebration with Brandy and her family and friends
In the U.S. according to a National Pet Owners Survey, 50% of pet owners celebrate their pet’s birthday, and 79% of these dog owners acknowledge their dog’s birthday with something more than a pat on the head and an extra biscuit.
Like all social occasions, dog birthday parties necessitate their own unique set of etiquette guidelines. So, before your dog sends back that RSVP, here are some…
Good Manners for Canine Parties
For the Host:
1. Realize that you are planning this party for you, not your dog. Your dog would be just as happy with a visit to the dog park rather than an onslaught of humans, dogs, noise and confusion on HIS turf.
2. Keep the party to a manageable size. That rule about the ratio of guests to the age of the birthday boy/girl doesn’t apply here. Think about how much dirt and craziness you can handle and invite accordingly.
3. In your invitation, be sure it is clear that both dog and human are invited together. You do not want to try to play host, clean up the inevitable messes, and referee single-handedly.
4. See #3. Recruit many willing, dog-friendly helpers.
5. Don’t even think about doing this inside the house unless you are inviting a limited number of small dogs and confining them to your kitchen.
6. A party duration of one hour will be enough for your dog, your yard, and you.
7. Your yard should be free of chemicals, mulch, and expensive plantings, and must have a visible, sturdy fence. Cover the pool if you have one.
For Guests:
1. Gifts are definitely expected. It’s better not to bring food treats, as some dogs have allergies or dietary restrictions. A toy, a pet supply store gift card, or a certificate for a dogwalking service are always appreciated.

2. Dog guests are assumed to be accompanied by a human unless the invitation specifies otherwise. Do not plan to drop and go.
3. Refresh your dog’s sit, stay, and recall skills. This will come in handy if you actually intend to leave the party at any time.
4. If your dog is food or toy aggressive, consider sending your regrets.
5. Supervise your own dog. Even the best behaved dog may get overstimulated and make a potty faux pas or get into a tiff with another dog.
6. Don’t overstay. Most party throwers tend to invite more guests than they can actually handle, and will be grateful to have you exit at the appointed time.
For great party planning ideas and tips to celebrate your dog’s birthday in style, visit Dog Birthday Parties.
Tell us about your party animal!
