It’s the existential question for humans and dogs: where is my place?

If dogs could meditate, PLACE could be their mantra.
PLACE…..PLACE…..PLACE…….if I had a PLACE, I could go there when……

· Whoever is cooking in the kitchen doesn’t want me underfoot;
· When there are guests that don’t particularly like dogs;
· At mealtime, so I don’t beg at the table;
· I need a quiet place to go when I’m feeling overwhelmed;
· I’m really hungry and dinner isn’t ready yet;
· Before a walk, so I don’t go crazy when I see my leash;
· When the doorbell rings;
· If little kids are visiting, so I don’t scare them;
· Whenever I don’t know what to do with myself.
Let’s see. What would make a good PLACE?
A rug.

A blanket.

An old towel.
A fancy dog bed with my name on it.
For your dog, or you, whenever you get that sense of disorientation and confusion in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world, go to your PLACE. You’ll feel better knowing where you belong.