Who was it that said “All good things must end?”
Certainly not your dog on a walk. Or your dog getting attention. Or chowing down on kibble. Your dog would say “Hey! This is great! Keep that dish filled, and keep walking forever, and don’t stop petting me, because after all, I am just STARVING for affection.”
Like your dog, I also believe that anything joyful or fun or rewarding or fulfilling should never end. And in the case of the Bark! Confessions of a Dog Trainer blog, I would like to just keep on going.

The Times Union leadership has determined that the community blogs on their website are too much of a liability, and as of February 5, 2021, new postings will not be allowed.
So I am moving the Bark! blog to my website.
That includes all of my blog posts over the past 12 years.
I’m figuring this is an opportunity to reorganize and make all those client stories mixed with sage advice more accessible.
Thank you to the Times Union for hosting Bark! all these years, and to you, the readers, for your kindness and dedication and care of your best buds, your dogs.
