If it appears that your dog has a housebreaking issue, it may NOT be because he is confused about where to go.

When a dog seems to have deliberately watered the piano, left a pile in your daughter’s bedroom, or squats in the guest room while your mother-in-law is visiting, this is called Marking.
It is NOT Marking when illness, surgery, or a change in your dog’s food causes a previously fastidious dog to have an accident or two in the house.
Yes, even neutered and spayed dogs.
Here are some examples of Marking behavior:
Your dog always went outside to do his business, then suddenly seems to have completely forgotten that grass is the toilet of choice;
Your dog dutifully deposits at the outdoor bank, yet has also established an ATM in your dining room;
Your dog seems affronted by the addition of a new (choose one) baby/adult child/aging parent/second dog to the household;
You move into a new home, and your previously housebroken dog – isn’t;
Any new item you set on the floor is suspiciously damp by the next day.
Marking is your dog making a statement. Remember he doesn’t speak our language so his comments, though repugnant to us humans, are clear and concise to him.
I will translate Canine into English for you, based on the location he has selected to Mark:
On the Mat at the Back Door:
“I thought I could make it, but since I have no opposable thumbs to open the freakin’ door, you’ll just have to suffer the consequences of your neglect of my basic needs.“
“Forgive me if I’m not delighted that, yet again, you have chosen to leave me behind while you go who-knows-where without me. Careful where you step when you deign to return.”
On the Brand New Couch:
“Now where did that thing come from? Whatever. I’ll lay claim to it so there’s no confusion.”

In the Bathroom:
“Well, EXCUSE ME. It smells like the right place.”
On the Oriental Rug:
“Oh, you mean, that’s NOT grass? Coulda fooled me.”
On Your Bed Pillow (While it is Still on the Bed):
“I don’t sleep on that pillow. I sleep on this pillow.
Don’t yell or punish your dog if you discover evidence of his attitude. It’s too late for that.
If your dog has a propensity for articulating his opinions by Marking, your best line of defense is to supervise his whereabouts vigilantly so he can’t sneak off to do the dirty deed.
Keep in mind that, if your dog has other behavioral issues IN ADDITION to Marking, a professional dog trainer can help you sort things out.