I can hear you groan already. Please, you say, not another pitful puppy mill story. Bear with me. You can read this one without a box of tissues, because this one is going to have a happy ending.

We fostered a 2 year old Bichon Frise, courtesy of Waggin’ Tails Pet Rescue, that we named Patsy Cline (any country music fans?).
She was a breeding female at a Pennsylvania puppy mill. She was caged around the clock, never walked on the grass, wasn’t even given a name. Patsy was brought here because she couldn’t have puppies any more, and was about to be killed for that mistake.
Here is what we knew about Patsy:
She loved to eat, especially if her meal included turkey;
She was amazingly healthy given her previous living conditions;
She was learning to potty outside – our other dogs set the example;
She got along great with other dogs;
She was debarked – puppy mill dogs have to be quiet so that the mill can remain undetected;
After four days with us, she was wagging her tail when we came home;
She liked dog beds – not to sleep in, but to dive under and roll on;
She didn't demand attention – she was content to lie on a shoe and sleep;
She had an appointment to be spayed;
Thunderstorms did not bother her. Neither did the vacuum cleaner;
“Sit” was a concept she considered;
Toys were not of interest – yet;
A car ride was just another opportunity to curl up and sleep.
Patsy was a work in progress for awhile, but you could see the dog she would evenutally become: sweet-natured, loving, gentle – the best kind of companion for a low-key household. You can find a dog like Patsy on Petfinder.com.