Go to any pet supply store and you will find an increasingly confusing array of remedies for dog anxiety.
Dogs that flip out during thunderstorms, dogs that shred doors when their owners leave them, dogs that pace nervously when visitors come, dogs that whine and tremble in the car – our dogs have some issues that rival our own neuroses.
There is no single remedy that will work for every dog.
Below are some of the options commonly available to help your dog with anxiety issues. Do NOT expect a miracle with any of the items listed. Your best bet is to try one of these over-the-counter therapies for a minimum of two (2) weeks. If it doesn’t prove effective with your dog, try the next one on the list.
I have them in the order of what – in my experience – has worked best for the greatest number of dogs.
You can find all of these remedies either at local pet stores or online. Melatonin is available in any drugstore.
ThunderShirts or Anxiety Wraps have been around for quite a while, because they have proven effective. I like them because dogs will either do well with them right away, or not, so there is no waiting for days or weeks to see results. Plus there is a money back guarantee if it doesn’t help your dog.
The idea behind them is that the garment applies gentle, constant pressure which then has a calming effect for most dogs if they are anxious, fearful or over-excited. If you go this route, be sure to supervise your dog while he is wearing it so that he doesn’t chew on it.
Available in capsule or pill form, melatonin is a naturally occurring compound found in animals. Its a calming sedative that is best when added to a dog’s evening meal to help them sleep, especially during thunderstorms. I used this myself with Nellie, my elderly Cairn Terrier, to see her through the worst of her Canine Dementia.
Female dogs secrete pheromones that comfort and reassure their nursing puppies. These “appeasement” pheromones can have the same calming effect on adult dogs. DAP mimics these appeasement pheromones to reduce or possibly eliminate stress in dogs of all ages.
DAP is typically available as a plug-in diffuser. Humans can’t smell it but dogs can. Some dogs do well with the constant, steady intake of this product.
Available in drops, sprays, and creams, this is also a natural solution that is supposed to correct emotional imbalances in dogs. I’ve seen it used as a tincture that is squirted into the dog’s water. Most of the studies that demonstrate the efficacy of this product have been done in the UK.
The Calming Cap or ThunderCap uses the same principle as putting blinders on a horse. The dog relaxes once the visual stimulus is reduced or eliminated.
There is a sheer fabric window that allows the dog to walk around without bumping into things. The Cap is definitely worth trying for dogs with situational anxiety such as during car rides, veterinarian visits, or nail clipping sessions.
Finally, keep in mind that most behavioral problems have a training (or lack of) component.
Dogs do best with training in conjunction with the use of a calming product.
Get help from a behavioral therapist/dog trainer.