Black Lab Petey had a great summer.
All three kids were home, running inside and out, playing in the backyard, jumping in the pool, dropping the occasional potato chip on the ground. No worries. Petey’s on clean-up detail.
Someone was there nearly all the time to let Petey out into the yard, take him for a walk, or throw a tennis ball for him.
Petey’s owners were concerned that when the kids went back to school, the change in routine would throw Petey off course. Last year, he was so distressed being alone in the empty house, that he shredded the arm of the living room couch.
To help ease Petey into the school year this time – and to preserve the furniture’s integrity – here is what we put into place at Petey’s house:
1. Petey was often the center of attention when the kids were home all day. Starting this week, the kids will pay increasingly less attention to him each day.
2. The family is starting to leave Petey home rather than taking him on errands with them.
3. Everyone is helping Petey get used to departures by going out the door, and then coming right back in again. This will help Petey be more relaxed when everyone actually does leave.
4. Its hard to do, but the family has agreed NOT to confuse Petey by saying in a sweet voice, “It’s okay, Petey—we’ll be home soon. Be a good boy.” That happy, high-pitched voice could make him think it’s okay to feel anxious. They will try to ignore Petey for about 10 minutes before leaving.
5. Petey sleeps a lot during the day, but when he wakes up, he wants something to do. Since he gets bored quickly, his owners bought him some virtually indestructible puzzle toys like a Buster Cube and a Kong. Every few days,they plan to rotate the toys that are available to him, so he has something new and fun to hold his interest.
6. Petey’s owners will also try hiding a few treats around the house for him to find, and of course, a bowl of fresh water.
7. Petey is 7 years old and hasn’t needed his crate for a long time, but he still likes to go into it, especially when he needs down time. He feels secure and comfortable in his “den,” so his family leaves the crate door open for him all the time.
8. When the kids come home from school, they know Petey will be REALLY happy to see them. After being left alone all day, he’ll have pent-up energy—and when he sees the kids, his excitement might cause him to overreact and jump on them. The children know they have to ignore Petey for five minutes or so to allow him to settle down, and to ask him to sit before they give him attention.
With a little bit of preparation and a lot of love, Petey will be ready for the school year, too.