Dogs are a different species than us.
I state this as a fact, because I am often asked to train dogs – or in some cases, untrain dogs – to do thing that are purely dog.
There are many, many things that dogs CAN do, which may be why some owners think dogs are capable of not doing certain behaviors.
Here are some examples of dog behavior that cannot be changed despite requests to do so…
Most male dogs pee standing up, with leg lifted. It is not possible to train such a male dog to squat to pee. If you prefer a dog that squats, I recommend getting a female dog.

· Almost all dogs have something I call “puppy fits.” This is when a dog – of any age – will suddenly run at top speed through the house with an impish look on his or her face. You cannot stop this from happening, nor should you want to. This is an endearing and loveable dog feature. If you find it disturbing, consider owning a fish instead.
If a dog is ill, she might accidently pee, poop, or vomit on the floor. Sometimes this happens on carpeting. You cannot train a dog to be sick in a certain spot. However, if you suspect that your dog isn’t feeling well, take her to the vet. In the meantime, confine her to an area where she can be observed and that can be easily cleaned.

Lots of dogs shed. It makes no sense to get angry at the dog because his hair is on your black pants. He cannot control his shedding. Lint brushes, vacuum cleaners and dog groomers can help. Some dogs shed less than others, such as Airdales, Basenjis, Bichons, Havanese, and Poodles. For other minimally shedding breeds, see Dog Breed Info Center.
Dogs also cannot:
Get along with every dog or every person.
Tell the difference between a weed or a hydrangea.
Feel guilt.
Brush their teeth.
Wipe their butts.
Eat chocolate.
Tell you where it hurts.
Get paid for working.
Speak English.
Read your mind.
